The Folk Dance University of Herencia and the EMMYD of Villafranca achieve Second Prize in the Menchuduran Madrid Championship. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Folk Dance University of Herencia and the EMMYD of Villafranca achieve Second Prize in the Menchuduran Madrid Championship.

Last Sunday, May 21st, the talent and dedication of young dancers from Herencia and Villafranca were rewarded at the Menchuduran Madrid Championship in Leganés. The Popular University of Dance in Herencia, in collaboration with the EMMYD of Villafranca, achieved second prize in the Children’s Dance Category with the choreography “Decline.”

This contemporary piece was choreographed by Alba Castillo and is the result of a team effort driven by a love for dance. As the popular saying goes, “unity is strength.” Beyond the competition, this event allowed the dancers to experience the enriching bond of comradeship and a shared passion.

Among the young Herencian dancers, all of them 11 and 12 years old, who participated in the competition, Laura Bolaños, Marta Rodríguez, Alicia Utiliel, María Mateos, Julia Fdez-Baillo, Aitana Romero and Nour Zeinab stood out.

This recognition reinforces the idea that dance is much more than an artistic expression; it is a way to create bonds and grow both personally and as a group. Without a doubt, these achievements will encourage these talented young dancers and others to continue pursuing their dreams and perfecting their art.

Spanish post in La Universidad Popular de Danza de Herencia y la EMMYD de Villafranca Consiguen el Segundo Premio en el Campeonato Madrileño de Menchuduran

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