The Herencia Beach Handball team is participating in the first regional tournament organized by the Castilla-La Mancha Handball Federation. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Herencia Beach Handball team is participating in the first regional tournament organized by the Castilla-La Mancha Handball Federation.

During the weekend of June 10th and 11th, the beach handball teams from Herencia had an outstanding performance in the first Regional Circuit of the Handball Federation of Castilla-La Mancha, held in Ciudad Real. Seven teams from Herencia participated in the event, including the Female Infant, Male Cadet, Female Cadet A and B, Female Youth, Male Senior, and Female Senior teams. All of them demonstrated their skill and commitment to this sport, which has gained popularity in recent years.

The Female Youth and Female Senior teams from Herencia achieved particularly notable results, reaching second place in the circuit. This achievement is a clear demonstration of their effort and dedication, and is a source of pride for the club and the community of Herencia.

Next weekend, the Female Youth team faces an even greater challenge: they will travel to Cádiz to participate in the Beach Handball Spain Cup. The team is determined to give their best, with the intention of raising the name of the club and Herencia high.

Congratulations to all the Herencia teams for their excellent performances in the Regional Circuit, and best wishes for the youth in the upcoming Spain Cup. Their passion and determination are an inspiration to us all.

Spanish post in El balonmano playa de Herencia en el I Circuito Regional de la Federación de Balonmano de Castilla-La Mancha

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