The mills of Herencia turn red for World Blood Donor Day. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The mills of Herencia turn red for World Blood Donor Day.

Today, Wednesday, June 14, the iconic windmills of Herencia will be dyed red in commemoration of World Blood Donor Day. This day is celebrated every year with the aim of raising awareness about the crucial importance of blood donation to save lives and improve the health of others.

The Herencia City Council recognizes and appreciates this act of solidarity that many residents of the town perform periodically. Blood donations are a vital resource in the healthcare system, used in both medical interventions and long-term treatments.

This gesture of solidarity from the people of Herencia not only helps to save lives, but also serves as an example of the community’s strength and commitment to the well-being of others.

For this reason, the City Council encourages all citizens to join this effort, especially in these difficult times when the need for blood donations is even greater.

The choice to dye the windmills of Herencia red, an iconic symbol of our town, is not coincidental. The color red, which represents blood, symbolizes life and hope for many patients and their families.

On this World Blood Donor Day, let us remember the importance of this act of generosity, which can make a difference in the lives of many people. Let us continue donating and promoting a culture of donation in our community.

Spanish post in Los molinos de Herencia se tiñen de rojo por el Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre

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