The Popular Party of Herencia makes visits to local companies. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Popular Party of Herencia makes visits to local companies.

Last Thursday, young candidate Carlos Fernández Baillo and part of his team from the Popular Party of Herencia received a visit from José Manuel Labrador, Coordinator of Infrastructure, Transport, Housing, and Water of the PP-CLM. During the meeting, they visited Tubyder, a prominent example of entrepreneurship and development in the sector, demonstrating its importance for the local progress of Herencia.

Previously, Fernández Baillo, accompanied by his team and Santiago Lucas-Torres, candidate for the Cortes de CLM, had visited the warehouses of Frutas y Verduras Tajuelo and Hortalizas Fruhcarma. The Popular Party strongly supports a sector that is a leader in Herencia, and as the son of horticulturists, Carlos Fernández Baillo understands the effort and dedication necessary for an ideal development of the food chain in his locality.

At 22 years old, Carlos Fernández-Baillo Gómez-Lobo is one of the youngest candidates in Castilla-La Mancha. During this legislature, he has served as a councilor in the City Council of Herencia and is currently finishing his degree in Law at the Faculty of Albacete. He is also passionate about history and politics and a staunch defender of his convictions. For him, honest politics is the most effective tool to improve people’s lives.

This commitment and dedication, combined with his commitment to local development and entrepreneurship, make Carlos Fernández Baillo a prominent and promising figure in the political landscape of Herencia and, by extension, throughout Castilla-La Mancha. His conviction and passion for public service will surely continue to drive his political career in the future.

Spanish post in El Partido Popular de Herencia realiza visitas a empresas locales

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