The PSOE of Herencia strongly criticizes Paco Núñez and the Popular Party for their management of Social Welfare. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The PSOE of Herencia strongly criticizes Paco Núñez and the Popular Party for their management of Social Welfare.

The recent statements made by Paco Núñez, regional president of the Popular Party and candidate for the presidency of Castilla-La Mancha, during a Social Welfare Forum in Herencia have caused strong rejection from the local PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party).

Lola Fernández, the secretary general of the PSOE in Herencia, referred to Núñez’s statements as “pure theatre” and lamented that the Popular Party is trying to “confuse” the residents of the locality with promises of measures for the Third Sector, when in her opinion, they demonstrated a contrary stance during their years in government.

Fernández criticized Núñez’s lack of credibility in relation to social welfare. According to the socialist leader, both Herencia and the rest of the province and region suffered from the Popular Party’s policies of cutting public services and leaving local governments in total suffocation, and particularly affecting the most vulnerable populations.

She also recalled the justifications that the Popular Party used for these cuts, including that public services were not the responsibility of local governments. According to Fernández, socialist governments have demonstrated their commitment to social welfare. As proof, she cited Herencia, where the Home Help Service has remained intact and over 10.2 million euros have been invested in social welfare during this legislature.

The secretary general was particularly critical of Paco Núñez’s promises to implement a Rescue Plan for the Third Sector and a Contingency Fund, calling them inconsistent with the Popular Party’s past policies.

Fernández also lamented the reduction in subsidies for the Women’s Centre and the Occupational Centre ‘El Picazuelo’, as well as the economic suffocation of the Residence for the Elderly and Carpe Diem during the Popular Party’s government.

The socialist leader urged the residents of Herencia to remember the years of cuts during the Cospedal government before going to the polls on May 28. She concluded her speech by emphasizing that only a socialist government is willing to protect the fundamental rights of all the residents of Herencia.

Spanish post in PSOE de Herencia critica duramente a Paco Núñez y al Partido Popular por su gestión del Bienestar Social

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