The PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers' Party) wins in Herencia, although the PP (People's Party) significantly increases. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) wins in Herencia, although the PP (People’s Party) significantly increases.

The general elections in Spain on July 23 have drawn a complex political map at the national level, with the victory of the People’s Party (PP), led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, but without the necessary majority to form a government with Vox. However, the local panorama shows very diverse realities. In the municipality of Herencia, for example, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) has been the most voted.

The vote count in Herencia has revealed that the PSOE has obtained 1,781 votes, which represents an increase of 0.90 points compared to the elections in November 2019. The PP has come in second place with 1,599 votes, experiencing a notable rise of 9.10 points compared to the previous general elections.

For its part, Vox has obtained 721 votes, a figure that, although high, represents a decrease of 1.85 points compared to the 2019 elections. Sumar, the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz, has obtained 203 votes.

As for the minority parties, PACMA has obtained 19 votes, which represents a decrease of 0.12 points compared to the 2019 elections. Recortes Cero and FO have obtained 8 and 7 votes, respectively. Finally, PUM+J has obtained 6 votes, which implies a growth of 0.13 points compared to the last general elections.

In terms of national results, with 100% of the votes counted, the PP leads the count with 136 seats, followed by the PSOE with 122. Vox, on the other hand, obtains 33 seats. On this occasion, the right-wing bloc has 169 seats and the left-wing bloc has 153, so neither of the two blocs reaches the absolute majority of 176 seats to ensure governability.

Participation in Herencia increased by 4.40 points to 77.59% compared to 2019.

The results in Herencia reflect both national trends and local peculiarities. In the coming weeks, negotiations and political alliances will be crucial in defining the formation of the next Spanish government.

Spanish post in El PSOE gana en Herencia, aunque el PP sube notablemente

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