The Sports Pavilion of Herencia shows off a new detachable flooring. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Sports Pavilion of Herencia shows off a new detachable flooring.

The mayor Sergio García-Navas and the Sports councilor Francisco Gallego de la Sacristana have visited the Municipal Sports Pavilion to check the new pavement first hand with the users.

It is a removable sports floor with a wood imitation and allows the installation of four track configurations for Handball, Basketball, Futsal and Volleyball, with their corresponding security perimeters.

A more modern space that meets the demands of different sports groups and the commitment of the current government team with sports, where different sports modalities currently present in the town will continue to be carried out. The surface is also versatile, as it has been installed in such a way that it allows disassembly and assembly during Carnival days.

These improvements, with a cost of 48,293 euros through the Diputación de Ciudad Real, have also been reinforced, according to García-Navas, with the expansion of lighting thanks to the installation of 8 new floodlights on the main track.

Currently, the main track of the Municipal Sports Center is almost fully occupied, and from early morning until late at night, hundreds of users perform their sports practices in this space.

Therefore, with these improvements, the students of the Municipal Sports Schools and Educational Centers who use this space daily, the federated sports clubs and those users who can now reserve this installation and participate in leisure and free time events will benefit.

Spanish post in El Pabellón Polideportivo de Herencia luce un nuevo pavimento desmontable

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