The Sports Rotation Day marks the end of the 2022/2023 season for the Sports Schools. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Sports Rotation Day marks the end of the 2022/2023 season for the Sports Schools.

This Saturday morning, June 10th, the Sports Rotation Day took place, an event that marks the end of the 2022/2023 season of the Sports Schools. This event is part of the closing activities that are planned at the end of each sports cycle. The day was full of activities for all participants, and the only objective was for the youngest to enjoy a morning full of camaraderie and sports with their friends. This proposal proved to be a successful mix of fun and physical activity, in which children were able to try different sports disciplines and share experiences with their peers.

We extend our gratitude to all the monitors who worked during this day; their dedication and effort were fundamental for the development of the activities. Their professionalism and commitment have contributed to creating an environment of camaraderie and enthusiasm among the young athletes.

This event concludes the children’s sports activities for this academic year. We wish all the athletes and their families a good summer, and we thank them for their participation and commitment to sports schools. However, activities for adults will continue until the end of this month of June. We encourage them to continue with their effort and dedication in this final stretch of activities, to finish the course with the same energy and enthusiasm with which they started.

The Sports Rotation Day is an example of how sports can promote a sense of community, health, and well-being among young people. With activities like this, sports schools demonstrate their commitment to promoting active and healthy lifestyles from childhood.

SMD Herencia Photos.

Spanish post in Jornada de Rotación Deportiva cierra la temporada 2022/2023 de las Escuelas Deportivas

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