The well-known "Anchurón de Rada" is transformed into a functional, modern, and accessible space. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The well-known “Anchurón de Rada” is transformed into a functional, modern, and accessible space.

Last Friday, the inauguration of the renovated Luis Martínez Calcerrada Plaza was held, which now offers various options for recreation, entertainment, and gatherings. Authorities, neighbors, and family members of Federico Abengoza “Rada” gathered at the event, where a bust in honor of this neighbor was unveiled. Abengoza began his professional activity in the plaza in 1939, giving rise to a successful local business which still employs hundreds of people.

The mayor, Sergio García-Navas, highlighted the modernization and updating of the space, which includes a reorganization, expansion of pedestrian areas, furniture renewal, and the planting of 20 trees. Additionally, a new ornamental lighting system has been installed to provide various options for ambient and festive lighting.

The Abengoza family expressed their gratitude for the emotional tribute to his life dedicated to transportation. Some of his grandchildren also participated in the event with a performance. The total cost of the project was €254,427.15, funded by municipal funds and the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real. This remodeling is part of the Strategic Plan for Remodeling and Improvement of the Center, which seeks to unify a more modern and accessible style in several areas of the city center.

To conclude, the mayor thanked the family and OPMJ, Alfarería Hermanos Peño, Traza2, Viveros Ferca, and Electro Salvaluz companies for their collaboration in the project.

Spanish post in El conocido “Anchurón de Rada” se transforma en un espacio funcional, moderno y accesible

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