The Women's Route. A Walk Through Herencian History. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Women’s Route. A Walk Through Herencian History.

On Saturday, March 11th at 11:30 am, the II Women’s Route will take place. A walk through the History of Herencia.

From “Herencia de Mujeres”, they invite all Herencians to this tribute to some women from Herencia who, due to their life trajectory, represent many others who contributed important values to our community. Scientists, pioneers in raising awareness about the need to donate blood to donate life, mothers, or businesswomen, among many others, they have all been both humble and powerful, creative, supportive, brave, and loving of their families and their town. For all of these reasons, we invite you to come with us on a journey through life in which many of you will recognize yourselves.

II Women's Route. A walk through the History of Herencia 1
II Women’s Route. A walk through the History of Herencia 1
  • Starting point: Caño Juan Coto.
  • Second stop: Plaza del Convento.
  • Third stop: Caño de la Iglesia.
  • Fourth stop: Plaza de España.

Spanish post in II Ruta De La Mujer. Un paseo por la Historia Herenciana

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