The XIX Learning Festival held in Herencia has been a resounding success. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The XIX Learning Festival held in Herencia has been a resounding success.

Culture and knowledge have once again become protagonists in our locality. The City Hall Patio has been chosen as the venue to celebrate the XIX Lifelong Learning Festival, an event that brings together numerous citizens year after year around education and knowledge.

This year, the event has had a special guest: Doctor Juan José Tamayo, emeritus of the Chair of Theology and Sciences of Religions at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Tamayo has offered the opening lecture entitled “Educating in Rights: 75th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights”. His intervention, filled with wisdom and reflection, has left a profound mark on the attendees, who have shown their enthusiasm and satisfaction after the event.

The festival has had the prominent presence of various members of the educational community, representatives of the popular university, professionals from the nursery school, and of course, many students who wanted to join in this celebration of learning. They have all witnessed Herencia’s commitment to education and personal development.

Directing the event were the mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and the councilor for Education, Lola Fernández, whose presence reaffirmed the importance that the City Hall gives to education and personal growth.

Undoubtedly, this XIX Lifelong Learning Festival will go down in history as one of the most special and memorable editions. From these lines, we congratulate the organizers and all the participants for making such an enriching day possible for Herencia. Until next year!

Spanish post in Éxito rotundo en el XIX Festival de Aprendizaje celebrado en Herencia

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