Yolanda Portillo sings about Alzheimer's in her new single 'Sundown'. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Yolanda Portillo sings about Alzheimer’s in her new single ‘Sundown’.

The singer and songwriter originally from Herencia (Ciudad Real), Yolanda Portillo, presents her latest single ‘Atardecer’ on Mother’s Day. The song, written by the artist herself, speaks about the problem of Alzheimer’s disease which affects many families. As usual, Yolanda Portillo writes about real-life situations that are often ignored by society, with delicacy and tenderness seeking the memories lost to this terrible disease. Despite the sad nature of the topic, the artist hopes that her music will help to release emotions and bring comfort to those affected by the illness.

Yolanda Portillo has an extensive professional background, having performed as a chorus accompanist for artists such as Paco Ortega, Manuel Carrasco, Manolo Escobar, Mónica Molina, Luis Eduardo Aute, and José Mercé, and has collaborated with Amancio Prada in a memorable performance. She first showcased her talents by winning three awards at the 1996 Festival Villa de Madrid, competing in pop and rock genres. Since then, she has released several albums, with ‘Atardecer’ being her latest release, a tribute to the passage of time and the twilight years of life.

Spanish post in Yolanda Portillo canta al Alzheimer en su nuevo single ‘Atardecer’

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