Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in Regional Competitions - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young Cyclists from Herencia Shine in Regional Competitions

This past weekend has been full of activity for the young cyclists of the Sports Schools of Herencia, who have participated in two prominent cycling events in the region.

On Saturday, the talented athletes were present at the Oscar Sevilla Schools Trophy in Ossa de Montiel, demonstrating their skill and commitment to cycling. The Sunday was no less intense, with them competing in the Castilla-La Mancha XCO Cup, held in Guadalajara. This event, known for its technical and physical demands, was a real challenge that our young cyclists faced with determination.

The results obtained reflect the continuous effort and dedication not only of the competitors, but also of the monitors from the Amigos del Plato Grande club, who have played a crucial role in the preparation and training of these young cyclists. Likewise, the support of the families, always present, has been essential in encouraging and motivating the athletes with each pedal stroke.

From Herencia, congratulations are extended to all the participants for their performance, and they are thanked for representing the town in these important sports venues. The good results are a testament to the teamwork and sportsmanship that characterize our Sports Schools.

The community eagerly awaits the upcoming competitions, hoping that these young talents continue on their path to success and proudly represent Herencia in every event. Good luck in your upcoming challenges and may the successes continue!

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Los Jóvenes Ciclistas de Herencia Brillan en Competencias Regionales

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