The Picazuelo Occupational Center celebrates Book Day with the shared reading of "Romeo and Juliet". - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Picazuelo Occupational Center celebrates Book Day with the shared reading of “Romeo and Juliet”.

Last Monday, the Picazuelo Occupational Center in Herencia commemorated World Book Day with a very special activity: the shared reading of an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”. Professionals and users of the center joined this initiative, which aimed to promote reading and the enjoyment of literature among participants.

The activity took place throughout the morning and had the collaboration of all those present. The reading of the work was transmitted through a megaphone, allowing all users and professionals to follow the narration and immerse themselves in the tragic love story between the protagonists.

The choice of “Romeo and Juliet” as the work to be read was not accidental, as this adaptation allows for the exploration of universal themes such as love, hate, loyalty and rivalry, thus promoting debate and reflection among the center’s users. Additionally, the adaptation facilitates access to and understanding of the work by participants, without losing the essence of the original story.

This activity, organized by the Picazuelo Occupational Center, demonstrates the importance of inclusion and participation in the cultural life of all members of the community. The shared reading of “Romeo and Juliet” has been an enriching and educational experience for the center’s users, who have been able to enjoy literature and share a moment of unity and learning.

The success of this initiative demonstrates that art and culture can be powerful tools for promoting inclusion and personal development of all individuals, regardless of their abilities. The Picazuelo Occupational Center will continue to promote activities that encourage participation and enjoyment of culture, thus contributing to the well-being and comprehensive training of users.

Spanish post in El Centro Ocupacional Picazuelo celebra el Día del Libro con la lectura compartida de “Romeo y Julieta”

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