Family Foster Care Promotion Project - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Family Foster Care Promotion Project

The town of Herencia is one of the main cities in the province in terms of foster care, so much so that during the past Carnival, the foster families association was awarded one of the Perlés de Honor, the most important recognition given by the town of Herencia to people and institutions. Therefore, we echo the press release from this association and their program to raise awareness of foster care around the World Foster Family Day.

The Association of Foster Families of Castilla La Mancha (Asofacam), together with the State Association of Foster Care (Aseaf), has launched a project to spread awareness of foster care as a more beneficial alternative for children and teenagers whose custody has been taken over by the administration.

Under the slogan ‘The power you need is to want to’, Asofacam wants to share its experience as a foster family and demonstrate that “you don’t need to be a hero to be a foster carer, you just need to have the will to do so.”

Various activities have been organized to spread the word and the stories around World Foster Family Day. The association has invited all interested parties to enjoy the show ‘Lighthouses’, performed by renowned oral storyteller Felix Albo, on June 1st at the Municipal Museum of Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) and on June 7th at La Posada del Sol in La Roda (Albacete). After the show, a talk on the subject will take place with the participation of foster families.

On World Foster Family Day, Asofacam is joining the international campaign World Foster Day, which involves posting photos on social media of people showing their three fingers with a schematic smiling face. This year, various well-known personalities from the region, such as artists, comedians, athletes, and politicians, have joined the initiative to bring foster care to as many people as possible. The corresponding hashtags on social media are #fosterfamilyday and #worldfosterday, as well as the pages of Asofacam (@asofacam) and Aseaf (@aseaf_isn) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Asofacam, together with Aseaf, has organized various other activities throughout the region to bring foster care to all audiences. These activities include shows, books, films, and training, thanks to the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and funding from the European Union-Next Generation EU.

Proyecto de difusión del acogimiento familiar 1
Proyecto de difusión del acogimiento familiar 1

Spanish post in Proyecto de difusión del acogimiento familiar

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