Members of the Medinaceli Brotherhood from Herencia attended the 14th National Congress of Jesús Rescatado brotherhoods. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Members of the Medinaceli Brotherhood from Herencia attended the 14th National Congress of Jesús Rescatado brotherhoods.

Last weekend, members of the board of the Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli and Holy Mary of the Assumption, along with some brothers, attended the XIV National Congress of Brotherhoods and Fraternities of Captive, Rescued and Medinaceli Jesus, which this year took place in the neighboring city of Tomelloso.

Days full of brotherhood and coexistence where brotherhoods from all over the country attended, such as Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, Zaragoza, Ávila, León, Hellín, Palencia, among others.

On Sunday at 10:30 am, the religious event took place with the celebration of the Holy Mass officiated by the bishop of our diocese Mons. Gerardo Melgar Viciosa and, at the end of it, the image of Jesus of Medinaceli from Tomelloso was venerated. Later, the election of the venue for the next national congress to be held in 2024 took place, with the city of Hellín in Albacete being chosen.

Spanish post in Miembros de la hermandad de Medinaceli de Herencia asistieron al XIV Congreso Nacional de cofradías de Jesús Rescatado

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