Mr. Juan Alberto Ramirez Aviles will be the second promoter of the Virgen de las Mercedes in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Mr. Juan Alberto Ramirez Aviles will be the second promoter of the Virgen de las Mercedes in Herencia.

Claro M. Fdez-Caballero Martín-B.

Historian, educator, columnist, lecturer, and licensed tour guide in Art History. He coordinates the local research group in History at the University of Popular Education in Herencia. He has written numerous articles on history and heritage in various local, regional, and statewide magazines and newspapers and is a co-author of several publications on history and heritage. Currently, he is also part of the board of several cultural associations and the editing team for the digital newspaper, Google+

Spanish post in D. Juan Alberto Ramírez Avilés, será el segundo exaltador de la Virgen de las Mercedes de Herencia

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