Pasodoble "Perlé" by Father Santi - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Pasodoble “Perlé” by Father Santi

Father Santiago Rodríguez-Palancas, a Mercedarian missionary from Herencia, has composed a pasodoble dedicated to the Carnival of Herencia, which he has named «Perlé». It is a very special work that through music explains the different moments experienced during the Carnival Sunday parade.

The piece was presented last Desire Sunday after the completion of the parade in the Plaza de España.

You can listen to the pasodoble «Perlé» here:

The pasodoble is dedicated to Perlé, the most emblematic figure of the Carnival of Herencia (Ciudad Real). The Carnival of this Castilian-La Mancha town is considered of National Tourist Interest.

  • Composition: Santiago Rodríguez-Palancas Illescas
  • Arrangements: Emilio Rodríguez Sánchez
  • Interpretation: Santa Cecilia Musical Group (Herencia)
  • Recording Studio: Ribbon Studios
  • Edition, mixing and mastering: Jesús Ramos Moreno-Palancas
  • Video editing: Jesús Ramos Moreno-Palancas and Jesús Manuel Felipe López
  • Images: from the archives of the Carnival of Herencia
  • Project Coordinators: Santiago Rodríguez-Palancas, Ángel Martín-Fontecha, and Roberto García-Escribano García-Morato

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Information diary in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Pasodoble «Perlé» del padre Santi

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